Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I stopped by a previous place of employment yesterday. The retail job I quit when I got my "dream" job. Needed to get the number to corporate HR department. The store manager, whom was only there for less than 2 months before I left, seems to have a personal grudge on me. I understand that me leaving was slightly inconvenient, but everybody in the store knew I was looking for something better and I gave a decent time warning. But anyways, as I attempted to be friendly and comment on the new product the store had received and the way it was set up, he felt that it was very important and that moment to tell me that because of the way I "left", I'm no longer allowed in the store. I can visit any other store (FYI: Hibbett Sports) but can no longer enter this location in the mall. WTF? I'm pretty sure that I was not a complete ass when I quit... 2 MONTHS AGO! Get over it! He also made a point to tell the other girl working (whom I used to work with) NOT to come talk to me! I'm not telling you this for any reason other than I needed to vent about it.... And to point out that even the South has it's own crappy assholes!  Oh yea, and I don't advise ever working for Hibbetts!

Aside from Mr Dickhead.... Just about every other person I know down here is trying to help me find a new job. From friends, my fiancé's family, ex-coworkers, and parents of kids in my son's class! I have an interview today, and one last week that I'm hoping to hear back about this week.

In the mean time, my family is loving me being home. I get to pick my son up from school, play more board games, play outside more. My fiancé has stated that if he made more money, he'd love to have me stay at home all the time because he loves having an amazing dinner, a clean house, and just me, in general, to come home to. As nice as that sounds, I'd probably go crazy if I were stuck home all the time! lol

OK, off to eat something and continue my job search! Yall come back now! lol


At February 27, 2013 at 9:00 AM , Blogger Danielle Klein said...

Kind of hilarious about that idiot manager. I mean, really??? I had a similar experience when trying to find employment when I first moved to Milwaukee. I went to Adecco to find something temporary while I was looking for a permanent position. They gave me an assignment, but a few days before I was supposed to start it I was offered a FT job (the same job I still have 15 years later btw!). I called Adecco right away so they would have time to find someone else to fill the position and was literally screamed at by the obnoxious woman who worked there that I was banned from ever working for Adecco again! It still makes me laugh. Wishing you good luck at finding another dream job. In the meantime, enjoy your break. :)


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