Friday, April 12, 2013

Out of touch

I'm sorry! I knew I was going to suck at keeping up with this blog. Anyways, not much as happened since my last post.

Still unemployed and searching like crazy. Unfortunately my fiancé went from "I like having you home to cook and clean" to "You need a job soon because I'm tired of you just sitting around while I work my butt off". I've had some promising interviews. But it's definitely about "who you know", not "what you know" down here. The thing that sucks the most is that I know this is a very low educated area, and I see the kind of people that are working in the places I apply to. Yet I still can't get in!

My son is doing so well in school. I think we've really got this ADHD thing figured out. We don't medicate him on the weekend. We just make sure to keep him extra active. Which, well, is a whole lot easier now that it's getting nice out. This past week has been between 70 and 85! He's only got a little over a month left of school, which I'm sure is different from the elementary schools up there!

The only reason I'm dreading the end of school is because that means he'll he headed to Milwaukee to visit his dad for 2 months. One, I don't like being without him for that long. But two, I just don't trust his dad to keep up all the good habits he's developed down here. Not counting the fact that he doesn't have friends up there, and he wont play outside near as much as he does here.

I hope everyone had a great Easter and Spring Break. We got to spend much time with my fiancé's family. And we took my son to church for the first time ever. He did very well. I'm not very religious, but being here in the south, you kinda have to be. And my fiancé's family definitely is. So I'm trying to get into it. Just hard after not being raised that way for 27 years!

Well I guess that's it for now. I've been sitting in this chair for over 4 hours catching up on my MATC assignments for this and 3 other classes. I think it's time for a break!


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