Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New job!

So I finally got a new job. After being unemployed for almost 3 months, I've been going a little stir crazy. Even with homework, house work, and the beautiful weather, it's nice to get out of the house and do something for once. Even my relationship with my fiancé had been getting a little tense.

So far I like the job, just the hours and pay could be a little better. I'm back to doing title loans, as well as payday loans now. I'm catching on pretty quick but there's a lot more work to do than there was at the title loan company I was with back in Jan/Feb. I usually work 3 days a week, 9a-6p, for $8.50/hr. I was making $10 at the last company doing less work. But at least it's something, right?

I was really hoping to get a job at one of the eye centers in town. Hours would have been 8a-5p, right near my son's day care. But a girl I knew got it instead. Which really ticked me off because as I've said before, it's not what you know, it's who you know. And this girl didn't know squat! She was fired in 2 weeks.... missed 3 days of work, and couldn't type for shit. On top of that, she's a pill head, hasn't had a job in over a year. And the day after she was fired, she totaled her husbands truck because she took too many of the wrong thing. Apparently the accident wasn't technically her fault, but she would have been able to avoid the total if she'd been able to react better. Anyway, I know this pill/drug/lazy stuff goes on in Milwaukee too.... but when jobs are limited as much as they are down here, how is it that people like this even get a chance over people like me?!

I like my new job, but if the eye center calls, I'll probably go there instead. Better hours, better benefits, better location. But anyways.... I appreciate what I have. I worked alone all day yesterday for the first time. Manager had a meeting. Hope I didn't screw anything up! Next week I'll be working M-F all alone. Manager has training. Eeek!


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