Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I stopped by a previous place of employment yesterday. The retail job I quit when I got my "dream" job. Needed to get the number to corporate HR department. The store manager, whom was only there for less than 2 months before I left, seems to have a personal grudge on me. I understand that me leaving was slightly inconvenient, but everybody in the store knew I was looking for something better and I gave a decent time warning. But anyways, as I attempted to be friendly and comment on the new product the store had received and the way it was set up, he felt that it was very important and that moment to tell me that because of the way I "left", I'm no longer allowed in the store. I can visit any other store (FYI: Hibbett Sports) but can no longer enter this location in the mall. WTF? I'm pretty sure that I was not a complete ass when I quit... 2 MONTHS AGO! Get over it! He also made a point to tell the other girl working (whom I used to work with) NOT to come talk to me! I'm not telling you this for any reason other than I needed to vent about it.... And to point out that even the South has it's own crappy assholes!  Oh yea, and I don't advise ever working for Hibbetts!

Aside from Mr Dickhead.... Just about every other person I know down here is trying to help me find a new job. From friends, my fiancé's family, ex-coworkers, and parents of kids in my son's class! I have an interview today, and one last week that I'm hoping to hear back about this week.

In the mean time, my family is loving me being home. I get to pick my son up from school, play more board games, play outside more. My fiancé has stated that if he made more money, he'd love to have me stay at home all the time because he loves having an amazing dinner, a clean house, and just me, in general, to come home to. As nice as that sounds, I'd probably go crazy if I were stuck home all the time! lol

OK, off to eat something and continue my job search! Yall come back now! lol

Monday, February 18, 2013

Silver linings and a super cool kid!

There are upsides and downsides living in the south, other than the obvious! This week....

On the upside....  Living so close to my mother, she was able to have my son for a visit this past weekend (my fiancé's birthday). She had him make a "Family Love Tree" and "Cupid's Arrows" (see Family Fun Magazine) for us for Valentine's Day. She also had him make sugar cookies which he frosted and decorated for Hunt's (my fiancé) birthday. One of which was a "T" shaped and orange frosted one for our favorite team.. TN Vols! Also, it is February 18th, Presidents' Day.... and was 65 and sunny!

On the downside... employment is hard to come by and hard to keep. The dream job I got last month was just that... A dream that dissipated after a very short time. Due to the economy, they decided to downsize. I've been there about a month and a half and was the last person hired. Soo.... I was the first person to be let go! :(   Most people would freak out. However, since I'm mostly a responsible person, I still have money left over from my tax return, as well as my grant/loan money coming soon. So financially, I'm not too worried.  There's always a silver lining right?

As far as the "Mom" part of my life.... My son (Julian, 6 yrs old, remember?) has informed me that a diamond is actually a "rhombus" and more than one is "rhombi". Also, the American flag used to have 13 stars, now it has 50. And Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag for George Washington, who was our first president.    
I'm sorry but I am pretty sure I DID NOT learn that stuff when I was in Kindergarten!

Ta Ta for now!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


This blog is not meant to be anything exciting.... But life is different here in Alabama, and since most of the people that read this are going to be my classmates from Wisconsin... well maybe you'll find some of this interesting, slightly funny, or just dumb enough to check into once in a while.

Just as a kind of, introduction I guess.... I lived in Milwaukee and surrounding suburbs, my whole life. It wasn't horrible, it just got.... routine. The defined lines in neighborhoods (southside, northside, eastside, etc), seeing people from my past that I never really cared for but still pretending to miss and want to catch up, the crappy ass winters and even crappier summers, the family I got myself into but never really wanted.

Don't get me wrong, my very extended family is in Milwaukee, I miss them very much. Having the four distinct seasons was always nice. I do even miss the mix of cultures (mostly the food!)

But down here, winters aren't freezing. They don't involve 3 feet of snow. Summer's are mostly in the 90s. And spring and fall are almost non-existent. I love it! I may not have my family, other than my mother and my son, close by, but people down here treat you like family even when you're not! I have felt more love from people than I had ever felt from my son's father's family. I miss my Greek, Polish, German food.... but Southern food is the shit!

My son will grow up with a bigger sense of community and family than he ever had. He will grow up with a bigger appreciation of the outdoors, the country, the land, the water. He will grow up in an area of the world where history is made through music and true culture of the area. He will not grow up in a concrete jungle where everyone is has false tendencies. He will grow up learning that Marin Luther King, Jr Day is also Robert E Lee day.

My biggest concerns are that he may say "cain't" and "ain't" But he will also be saying "Yes, Ma'am" "No, sir"  "Please" and "Thank you". He will respect his elders and appreciate people, land, and the people who love him.

So if I've already bored you, I understand. If not, well I hope you somewhat enjoy what I have to say in my upcoming posts. I will try to include funny stories, pictures, etc. But I'm generally not a blogger, so I make no promises.

Later, Yall!